“Vet n Walk” is a annual program to collect Compression socks or fund to purchase Compression Socks for Veterans a distribute via Elks Lodge, VFW, NC4Vets, and other groups.
On average, these system run about $99.00 each. Vets Edge is asking for donation to purchase them and redistribute to Veterans in Guildford and Forsyth and surrounding counties.
Air Compression Therapy System are an argued system within the medical community has well has in VA. People who promote these systems state, they help with circulation, pain, swelling, (Edema), RLS , varicose veins treatment and vain issues. They use compressed air to press the skin and muscles in the lower leg to push blood flow up the leg and back to the heart.
These wheeled carts are beneficial to Veterans, especially those who suffer from Stroke, trouble walking, and other medical issues. They enable Veterans to move around with little or heavy materials, move items they cannot carry, and move large or small items.
This cart can be used in various places, which is perfect for the warehouse, the classroom, garages, offices,IT departments, cleaning crews, gardeners, filmmakers, or anywhere you have storing and transporting needs. You can use it as a transport vehicle in the factory to transport goods. Also, as a cleaning cart or garden cart, since it can accommodate a variety of cleaning equipment.